Community Resources
A Wish With Wings, Inc.
P.O. Box 3457
Arlington, TX 76101
(817) 469-9474
A Wish with Wings, Inc. enables children ages 3-16, who have life-threatening illnesses, to live out a special,
age-appropriate wish that might be financially impossible without assistance. Wish requests for younger or older children
are conditionally accepted for review. Assistance is available to others in starting groups for wish fulfillment.
About Faces Permanent Cosmetics
1001 Bridgeway Blvd., Suite 432
Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 331-0663
About Faces Permanent Cosmetics specializes in permanent cosmetic application, a process in which pigments
are applied to the eyelids, eyebrows and lips (a form of tattooing) to match skin tone. The process is used for alopecia
(loss of facial and body hair).
Acoustic Neuroma Association
P.O. Box 398
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 249-4783
Fax (717) 249-0353
Patient support organization for those who have had acoustic neuroma (an inner ear tumor) or other tumors
affecting cranial nerves and neural tissue. Provides rehabilitation information. Encourages research and public awareness.
Fee: $20.00 annual donation requested.
Aesfedmed Alert
AES Alarms, Inc.
2400 West Cypress Creek Road
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
(800) 940-8880
AES FedMed Alert is a national 24-hour personal emergency system activated by pressing a button on a pendant
or hand-held remote. If a patient starts the alarm, the AES Central Monitoring Station responds instantly by calling the home,
determining whether the patient is in need of assistance, and contacting the appropriate persons or facilities. Costs include
an initial installation fee and a monthly monitoring fee. Contact AES for further information.
Aims Media
9710 DeSoto Avenue
Chatsworth, CA 91311-4409
(888) 892-3484
AIMS Media offers videos for patient and professional education including videos on radiation and chemotherapy.
Call or write for information.
Air Ambulance America
9100 S. Daddand Blvd.
Miami, FL 3156
(800) 262-8526
Air Ambulance America provides air transportation for cancer patients. Complete bedside transfer available,
with nurses and doctors there, if necessary.
3960 Rosslyn Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45209
(800) 888-0458
Airway manufactures a line of breast prostheses called "The Portrait Group" along with fitting aids,
brassieres and swimsuits. Call Airway to find a dealer near you.
Alkin Hair Company
264 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
(212) 719-3070
Alkin Hair Company matches hair samples that can then be woven, braided or used for extensions. Call for more
information and cost.
AMC Cancer Research Center
Cancer Information and Counseling Line
Cancer Intervention Division
1600 Pierce Street
Denver, CO 80214
(303) 233-6501 (Colorado)
(800) 525-3777
The AMC Cancer Research Center (AMC) is dedicated to cancer prevention and control research. The work of AMC
includes basic laboratory investigation, clinical research, and the design, implementation and evaluation of community interventions.
AMC studies focus, in particular, on modifying lifestyle factors that affect cancer risk such as diet and tobacco use. In
addition, AMC operates the Cancer Information and Counseling Line that provides information on symptoms, treatment, support
groups and other valuable resources such as financial aid and transportation services.
American Academy of Pain Management
3600 Sisk Road, Suite 2D
Modesto, CA 95356
(209) 545-0754
Fax: (209) 545-2920
The nonprofit American Academy of Pain Management is the largest society of pain practitioners in the United
States. The AAPM offers education for health professionals and will supply names to patients of AAPM certified pain management
professionals. The AAPM has also developed two booklets, Learning to Live with Pain and Conquering Chronic Pain, which
are available to patients. Call for further information.
American Automobile Association (AAA) 1000 AAA Drive
Heathrow, FL 32746
(407) 444-7000
AAA publishes a guide, The Handicapped Driver's Mobility Guide, intended to aid disabled drivers
in the task of finding equipment and locating services to improve their mobility. Information about adaptive equipment, driver
training, related services and publications are included. Guides can often be obtained through your local AAA office (stock
# 3772) or by calling AAA headquarters to order your copy.
American Brain Tumor Association
3725 North Talman Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618
(312) 286-5571
The Association for Brain Tumor Research, consisting of patients, family members, and professionals, supports
research, promotes the understanding of brain tumors, and offers printed educational materials. The Association raises funds
for brain tumor research through grants and awards. The Association can also refer patients and families to support groups
for brain tumor patients. The Association for Brain Tumor Research publishes a tri annual newsletter on research and treatment.
Fee: None.
American Cancer Society
1599 Clifton Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329, (404) 320-3333
777 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10017,
Tower Place, 3340 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30026
From other regions, (800) 227-2345 1-800-ACS-2345
The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a voluntary nationwide organization that offers a variety of services
to cancer patients and their families including education, research, referrals (lists of local ontologists, support groups,
patient services, and rehabilitation programs, information pamphlets, films, and educational displays, counseling, guidance,
sickroom supplies and comfort items, and client transportation to hospital or treatment center for therapy , dressings, nursing,
and homemaker and home health aide services). The ACS also is involved in cancer education and research. You can get additional
information about ACS programs and services from the national headquarters or a local chapter (listed in the telephone book
under American Cancer Society).
American Foundation for Urologic Disease
1120 N. Charles Street
No. 401 Baltimore, MD 21201
(800) 242-2383
FAX (301) 625-2390
Medical research/education organization concerned with urologic illnesses. Offers education programs to the
public on such topics as childhood urologic problems and prostate cancer. Supports research.
American Lung Association
1740 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
(212) 315-8700
Fax (212)265-5642
Conducts community service projects, provides educational programs, and supports research.
American Red Cross
17th and D Streets, NW
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 737-8300
The American Red Cross is a network of local chapters that provides health education materials and programs,
including courses designed to give individuals the skills needed to care for ill family members.
Better Together Club
c/o ConvaTec
P.O. Box 4291
Syosset, NY 11791-9706
(800) 422-8811
The Better Together Club is a nationwide club for ostomates created and funded by ConvaTec, an ostomy supply
firm. The Club gives its members such benefits as discounts on food, travel and entertainment, and a quarterly newsletter
containing information on the latest medical and product news, travel hints, athletic tips, contests, and personal accounts
of the emotional and practical aspects of living with an ostomy. Call or write to join or obtain further information.
Fee: None.
Breast Cancer Advisory Center
P.O. box 224
Kensington, MD 20895
Fax (301) 949-1132
Information clearing house on breast cancer. Provides referral service. Features library, lectures, and informative
Breast Health Information Centre
This site on the A to Z of breast health is part
of the Radiology Malaysia Homepage.
Bristol-Myers Indigent Patient Assistance Program
Bristol-Myers Oncology Division
2404 West Pennsylvania Street
Evansville, IN 47721
Provides marketed oncology products free of charge to clients with financial need. Request must be made by
the client's physician to Bristol-Myers Oncology Division or its local representative.
Bruce Medical Supply
411 Waverly Oaks Road
P.O. Box 9166, Dept. 037
Waltham, MA 02254
(800) 225-8446
Bruce Medical Supply offers an inventory of colostomy and other medical products in a variety of sizes and
styles. Call or write for a free catalog.
Cancer Information Service: 1-800-4-CANCER 1-800-422-6237 1-800-638-6694
Boy Scout Bldg., Room 340, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethsaida, MD 21892, (301) 496-8664, Fax (301) 402-0555
National Cancer Institute, Executive Plaza North, Room 239C, Bethesda, MD 20892
NCI-supported Cancer Information Service is a nationwide telephone service that answers questions from cancer
patients and their families, health care professionals, and the public. Information specialists can provide information and
publications on all aspects of cancer. They also may know about cancer-related services in local areas. Spanish-speaking staff
members are available to callers from the following areas (daytime hours only): Florida, California, Georgia, Illinois, New
Jersey (area code 201), New York, and Texas. By dialing the CIS number, you will be connected to the CIS office serving your
This toll free hotline is a nationwide service to give information to cancer patients, families, and health
care professionals. Information can be given over the phone or sent out by mail to answer questions on cancer. Current printed
materials on prevention, treatment, types of cancer, and local resources and services can be provided in English and Spanish.
It provides support, understanding, and rapid access to the latest information on cancer and local resources. Cancer Information
Service units are located and associated with the major cancer centers throughout the country. The Cancer Information Service
is funded by the National Cancer Institute through contracts with designated comprehensive cancer centers and, in many areas,
with the cooperation of the American Cancer Society. Trained staff members provide information on:
Causes of cancer
How to help prevent cancer
Methods used for detection, diagnosis, and treatment
Availability of medical facilities, home care, and rehabilitative services
Availability of financial assistance
Emotional support and counseling services
Appropriate referrals regarding investigational treatments
Further information can be obtained by calling the Cancer Information Service listed in the local telephone
Cancer study groups are located throughout the country and in the comprehensive cancer centers. Nurses should
write to the local comprehensive cancer center or make a telephone call to the National Cancer Institute to find out which
comprehensive cancer centers have study groups investigating and conducting research on a given illness.
Cancer Treatment - Research - Cancer Prevention - Alternative Treatments
Description: A.P. John Cancer Institute, specializing
in alternative cancer treatments and research including colon, prostate, liver and lung cancer treatments and more.
1312 18th St., N.W., Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036
Childhood Cancer Foundation, Inc., 1901 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006
(800) 366-2223
In Canada:
Box 328, 9 Church St.
Stanstead, QC JOB 3EO
(819) 876-7676
Candlelighters is an organization formed by parents of young cancer patients. It helps families of pediatric
and adolescent cancer patients cope with the emotional stresses of their experience. Candlelighters hold regular meetings
to discuss problems and exchange information. In addition, the organization works to gain support for programs of cancer research
and to stimulate local interest in the special concerns of pediatric and adolescent cancer patients and their families. There
are more than 25 groups throughout the world, some of which are associated with a local ACS or CCS chapters. Maintains communication
between parents and professionals through a quarterly newsletter, youth newsletter, bibliography, and resource guide. Assists
in formation of local groups, which provide health care updates, exchange of practical information, moral support, and sharing
of common problems and solutions. Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Candlelighters monitors legislation and federal programs affecting
members. Speaker's bureau provided. In addition to parents, membership is open to anyone interested in the control and cure
of childhood cancer.
Chemotherapy Foundation
183 Madison Avenue, Room 403
New York, NY 10016
(212) 213-9292
The Chemotherapy Foundation supports the development of drug treatments to control cancer through basic research,
clinical studies, and improved application techniques. The Foundation conducts conferences, seminars, and publishes educational
materials to help practicing physicians, clinical investigators and research scientists, grants endowments to postgraduate
teaching programs in medical schools, works to educate the public about progress in chemotherapy and publishes a newsletter
two to three times per year. A handbook for patients and their families called Chemotherapy Your Weapon Against
Cancer is available through the Foundation. Other pamphlets and educational materials are also available.
Fee: None.
Children's Hospice International
700 Princess Street, Suite 3, Alexandria, VA 22314-2503
1101 King Street, Suite 131 Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 684-0330
(800) 242-4453
FAX (703) 684-0226
A voluntary organization that acts as an international clearinghouse for information relating to care of the
terminally ill child and his or her family. Provides lay information about terminal illness. Sponsors national, regional,
and local seminars for health care professionals, volunteers, and families. Develops educational and training information
for health care providers and assists in planning conferences, including provision of speakers. Serves as consultant for implementation
of children's hospice programs. Publishes quarterly Children's Hospice International Newsletter. Membership open to terminally
ill children and their families, health care professionals, and other interested persons. Annual membership fee is $25.00.
Cleo, Inc.
3957 Mayfield Road
Cleveland, OH 44121
(216) 382-9700
(800) 321-0595
CLEO, Inc. manufactures rehabilitation products and daily living aids for the physically challenged. Call
the toll-free number listed above for a free catalog.
Color Me Beautiful Image Consultant
P.O. Box 3241
Falls Church, VA 22043
(800) 533-5503
Color Me Beautiful Image Consultants provides a color analysis service to help determine your seasonal approach
to wardrobe planning. Consultants are available nationwide. Call for the location of the consultant nearest you.
Commonwealth Cancer Help Program
P.O. Box 316
Bolinas, CA 94924
(415) 868-0970
Commonwealth Cancer Help Program is a week-long intensive residential health promotion program for cancer
patients and their family members or close friends. The program is not a cancer therapy, but a stress reduction, health education
and support group program for small groups of cancer patients who are under the care of physicians for the treatment of their
cancer. The program is primarily a yoga and meditation retreat adapted to the special needs of people with life-threatening
illness. Commonwealth also offers classes on informed choice among conventional and complementary therapies, exposure to popular
and professional cancer literature, instruction in diet and nutrition, support groups, massage, training in personal imagery,
experiences with intentional touch, and artistic expression.
Corporate Angel Network (CAN)
Westchester County Airport
Building One
White Plains, NY 10604
(914) 328-1313
FAX (800) 328-4226
A nationwide program designed to give patients with cancer the use of empty available seats on corporate aircraft
to get to or from recognized treatment centers. Transportation services offered by U.S. corporations that own aircrafts. One
attendant or family member may accompany the patient without charge. Patient must meet certain self-care requirements and
must have medical authorization for the flight. Clients must be able to walk and be in stable condition. There is no cost
to the client, nor are there any financial need criteria. Requests for transportation should be made when a defined date for
treatment or for discharge has been arranged. (Note: For Canada, see Mission Air.)
Designs for Comfort, Inc.
P.O. Box 8229
Northfield, IL 60093
(800) 443-9226
Designs for Comfort, Inc. has developed a combination cap and hairpiece called the "Headliner" as an alternative
to wigs. The "Headliner" is available in a variety of colors and fabrics. This product may be reimbursed by individual insurance
companies as a hair prosthesis. Call to order by mail or to find the dealer nearest you.
Eastern Biotech & Life Sciences
DNA Paternity Testing Services, Colon & Breast Cancer Detection.
1302 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 865-8392
Fax: (203) 497-9393
ECAP offers books, videocassettes and audio cassettes on a variety of topics of interest to cancer patients.
Call or write for a copy of their catalog.
4791 Turney Road
Cleveland, OH 44125
(800) 321-0591
Edgepark is a mail order supply house that carries most major brands of ostomy equipment. Edgepark will
bill Medicare, private insurance and Medicaid. Call or write for a free catalog.
Eva Gabor International
765 South Harvard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(800) 223-9812
Eva Gabor International wigs and hairpieces are available through many major department stores. Call
for the location of the dealer nearest you.
Fred Sammmon's Inc.
Box 32
Brookfield, IL 60521
(708) 325-1700
(800) 323-5547
Fred Sammon's Inc. offers an "Enrichments" catalog containing a wide selection of living aids, including
housekeeping, household, and personal care items for the medically-impaired.
Grandview Hospital and Medical Center Media Productions
P.O. Box 588
Dayton, OH 45405
(800) 426-3812
Grandview Hospital and Medical Center Media Productions offers patient and professional education videos
relating to cancer and treatment.
Headcovers Unlimited, INC ( - Offers hats, turbans, over 400 styles of wigs, eyebrows, eyelashes,
head scarves, headwraps, cosmetics for chemotherapy and bandannas. This site also offers resources such as scarf tying instructions
and information on selecting wigs.
Headwear, Etc. .
Popular wig styles, hats, scarves, and headwear as well as our exclusive matchables clothing
collection. E-mail: Web:
Heart Connection
2116 Grant
Des Moines, IA 50312
(515) 243-6239
Overnight one-week camp, ages 5-19; siblings camp, ages 5-19; weekend camp for children ages 5-19 whose
parents have cancer.
Fee: None
Holly Cosmetics/Medical Image Products
4947 Brownsboro Road
Louisville, KY 40220
(800) 222-3964
Holly Cosmetics/Medical Image Products offers a line of corrective cosmetics. Information about the Holly
Cosmetics line and a video are available by mail. Call to order information and a video, or to find the consultant nearest
you. Holly Cosmetics is involved in the "Look Good, Feel Better" program.
Hospice Association of America
519 C Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
(202) 546-4759
FAX (202) 547-3540
Promotes the use of hospice care for terminally ill individuals. Provides hospice
referral service, Medicare reimbursement assistance, and hospice start-up guidance. Holds AIDS workshops. Offers speakers'
J.C. Penney
14841 North Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75240-6760
(800) 222-6161
J.C. Penney carries mastectomy bras, bathroom aids, canes, and other health care products and equipment. Visit
your local J.C. Penney or call to order a catalog.
Kids on the Block, Inc.
9385-C Gerwig Lane
Columbia, MD 21046
(800) 368-KIDS (outside Maryland)
(800) 368-5437
Fax: (301) 290-9358
The Kids on the Block, Inc. is a program utilizing child-sized puppets designed to help individuals and groups
around the world to teach children about disabilities, differences, and areas of social concern. The Kids on the Block form
the core of a unique set of educational programs covering a variety of topics including cancer and pediatric hospice care.
Fee: Call for information.
1800 Merriam Lane
Kansas City, KS 66106
(800) 255-0285
Leisure-Lift offers several types of lifting easy chairs, including reclining, swiveling, and rocking models.
Prices vary. Call for the location of a dealer near you.
Look Good, Feel Better
The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, 1110 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite
800 Washington, D.C. 20005
(800) 395-LOOK
Look Good, Feel Better is a nationwide public service program developed by the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance
Association (C.T.F.A.), the American Cancer Society, and the National Cosmetics Association. The program was designed to help
persons recovering from cancer to enhance the quality of life through personal appearance and body image. The program offers
nationwide educational services. Fee: None.
100 Spence
Bay Shore, NY 11706
(800) 645-5272
LUMEX manufactures safety, comfort and convenience products, including living aids, bathroom safety items,
walking mates, and commodes. Call for the names of dealers nearest you.
Make-a-Wish Foundation of America [National Office]
2600 North Central Avenue
Suite 936
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(800) 722-WISH (800) 722-9474
The purpose of this foundation is to grant wishes to children under the age of eighteen years who have a
terminal illness, or who suffer from a medical condition sufficiently life-threatening to create a probability that the child
will not survive beyond his or her eighteenth year. Funding and arrangements for the wish are provided by the foundation.
Medi-Lift Chairs
Penox Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 785
One Penox Plaza
Pittston, PA 18640-0785
(800) 233-3029
Penox Technologies manufacturers several styles of lifting and reclining easy chairs. Medi-Lift Chairs come
in a variety of models including a chair for individuals weighing up to 400 pounds.
Medic Alert Foundation
P.O. Box 1009
Turlock, CA 95381
(800) 344-3226
The Medic Alert Foundation provides identification bracelets and cards to individuals with serious medical
conditions. Medic Alert also maintains copies of medical records and other pertinent information.
Milner Fenwick
2125 Greenspring Drive
Timonium, MD 21093
(800) 638-8652
Milner Fenwick offers patient and professional education videos relating to cancer and treatment.
National Association for Home Care
519 C St. NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
(202) 547-7424
Has a booklet on how to select a home care agency.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Office of Cancer Communications
Building 31, Room 10A18
Bethesda, MD 20205 20892-4200
The National Cancer Institute is a branch of the National Institutes of Health, which is part of the United
States Department of Health and Human Resources. Its primary responsibility is to establish a goal for a systematic attack
on cancer throughout the United States through a network of treatment centers. The major activities of the institute's treatment
centers are setting standards for research facilities, sharing information, and funding research studies. Its activities include
cancer drug development; research into causation, prevention, and treatment of cancer; programs on cancer control, prevention,
and early detection; fellowships for education of professionals; and public and professional education (including Cancer Information
Service). Clients who are receiving therapy as part of a clinical study may be housed free of charge at the hospital facilities
of the NIH clinical center.
National Health Information Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, D.C. 20013-1133
(800) 336-4797
The National Health Information Clearinghouse provides a telephone referral service with a comprehensive
database of organizations and resources dealing with various health issues, including all forms of cancer. Call for the telephone
referral number.
Fee: None.
National Hospice Organization (NHO) (United States)
1901 North Fort Myer Drive Suite 307
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 243-5900
An independent national organization whose membership consists of groups providing hospice care and other
professionals concerned with care of terminally ill clients and their families. Addresses issues such as standards and criteria
for care, research and evaluation, reimbursement and licensure, professional liaison, and ethics. Educates the public about
hospice care through telephone, general information, publications, workshops at regional and state levels, and an annual educational
symposium. This organization is a private, nonprofit, membership organization divided into ten regions and state organizations.
The National Hospice Organization is dedicated to promoting and maintaining quality care for terminally ill patients. Literature,
films, and a directory of hospice programs are available through the organization.
National Leukemia Association
585 Stewart Ave.
Suite 536
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 222-1944
Fax (516) 222-1944
Promotes research and public awareness of leukemia. Offers financial assistance to families in need. Provides
referral service and children's services.
National Women's Health Network
1325 G Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 347-1140
The National Women's Health Network is a national consumer rights group focusing on women's health needs,
including issues related to cancer. This advocacy group lobbies in Washington for the rights of women in the health care system.
The National Women's Health Network maintains a small clearinghouse of information and may be a helpful resource for women
with cancer. Fee: None.
Niagra Corporation
1100 Highway 27 South
Stanley, NC 28164
(704) 263-1451
The Niagara Corporation has developed the "Niagara Roamer," a three-wheeled, battery-powered chair for use
on short errands (25 mile range on battery charge). Call Niagara for the location of a dealer in your area.
Outward Bound School of Maine
P.O. Box 429
Mechanic Street
Rockland, ME 04841
(207) 594-5548
This wilderness program offers courses of varying length especially designed for cancer patients based on
the belief that individuals develop confidence, self-reliance, respect for others and compassion through challenge and shared
adventure. The Outward Bound School of Maine accepts persons aged fourteen and older. Determined
by length of course selected.
P. K. Walsh
1842 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA 02146
(800) 624-4335
P.K. Walsh is a direct mail wig company that works closely with chemotherapy patients. Call to obtain a
Prosthetics for Hair Loss
174 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
(212) 206-6785
Prosthetics for Hair Loss is a specialized studio for custom-fitted wigs for chemotherapy, head trauma,
and alopecia patients. Fittings are done by appointment at the New York location. This firm is approved by Blue Cross/Blue
R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation
H and R Block Bldg.
4410 Main
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 932-8453
Operates the Cancer Hot Line, a telephone support system matching newly diagnosed cancer patients with volunteers
with same diagnosis and directing them to the Cancer Management Center for second opinions.
Reach to Recovery (contact through local ACS or CCS office)
c/o American Cancer Society
1599 Clifton Rd., NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 320-3333
A group designed to meet the physical, psychological, and cosmetic needs of women who need or have had surgery
for breast cancer. With physicians' consent, provides a trained volunteer who will visit the client and spouse before and
after surgery (tylectomy, lumpectomy, mastectomy). Volunteer will teach and show rehabilitation exercises, discuss breast
reconstruction surgeries and breast prostheses, answer personal questions, provide reassurance and support, and provide a
temporary breast prosthesis if required. Volunteers who have undergone this operation visit such women and provide psychologic
support, show rehabilitative exercises, and provide temporary prostheses.
A fun and engaging
video game developed by HopeLab for adolescents and young adults with cancer. The game is free to AYA’s with cancer
as well as health care providers.
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
P.O. Box 1530
Downer's Grove, IL 60515-9955
(800) 366-3000
Sears carries a line of health care supplies and equipment, including mastectomy bras, prostheses, bathroom
aids, etc. Visit your local Sears or call to order a catalog.
Simonton Cancer Center
P.O. Box 890
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
(800) 338-2360
The "New Patient Program" at the Simonton Cancer Center is based on a model for emotional intervention and
support in the treatment of cancer patients. It evolved from the idea that beliefs, feelings, attitudes and lifestyles are
important factors affecting health. The program is a five day educational and psychotherapeutic session for cancer patients
and their support person. Participants engage in lifestyle counseling, and relaxation and mental imagery (creative thinking)
exercises. Additionally, participants explore the role of stress, secondary gain, and other contributing factors to illness.
Lecture tapes, books and professional papers are also available through the Center.
Fee: Call for information.
Skin Cancer Foundation
245 5th Avenue
Suite 2402
New York, NY 10016
(212) 725-5176
Foundation concerned with the prevention and early detection of skin cancer. Funds research and sponsors medical
symposia. Provides public education programs. Assesses sun screen products for effectiveness as skin damage prevention agents.
The Transplant Foundation
8002 Discovery Drive, Suite 310
Richmond, VA 23229
(804) 285-5115
Provides grants to transplant recipients and acts as a referral service.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Provides information about financial assistance. For information, contact appropriate regional office:
Region II (NJ, NY, PR, Vls): 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278 (212) 264-4600
Region III (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV): P.O. Box 13716, 3535 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19101 (215) 596-6492
Video Access
Southern Medical Association
P.O. Box 190088
Birmingham, AL 35219-0088
(800) 423-4992
Video Access offers patient and professional education videos relating to cancer and treatment.
Wainwright House Cancer Support Program
260 Stuyvesant Avenue
Rye, NY 10580
(914) 967-6080
The Wainwright House Cancer Support Program is a week-long intensive residential retreat devoted to health
promotion, health education and stress reduction for those living with cancer. The emphasis is on education and experience
that will contribute to increased autonomy, the management of pain, the relief of acute anxiety and depression, effective
life planning and the making of informed choices among both conventional and complementary medical therapy. The retreats are
open to men and women with cancer, their spouses and partners, or close support people. Participants must be under the care
of an oncologist or other physician, be well enough to care for themselves in the Wainwright House environment and
can benefit from the program.
Fee: Call for information.
Y-ME Breast Cancer Support Program, Inc.
1757 Ridge Road, Homewood, IL 60430
18220 Harwood Ave., Homewood, IL 60430
(800) 221-2141 weekdays
Fax (708) 799-5937
Outside calling area, (800) 221-2141 A nonprofit organization that provides information, hotline counseling,
support, educational programs, and self-help meetings for patients with breast cancer and their families and friends. All
of Y-ME's trained volunteers have had breast cancer treatment. Activities include:
(1) a telephone hotline manned by trained volunteers, who will answer questions and lend support;
(2) open-door educational meetings;
(3) a pre surgical counseling and referral service, including reading materials, referral to physicians
and clinics that specialize in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, resource materials on options, and prostheses and wigs
(when available);
(4) a speaker's bureau and workshop presentation to impress women about the importance of early detection,
teach breast self-examination, and discuss alternative methods of diagnosis and treatment;
(5) training for hotline volunteers; and
(6) assistance in development of local groups. Publishes Y-ME Hotline. Membership fee on a sliding
Anatomy of an Illness. Norman Cousins. Bantam Books, 1981.
And a Time to Live: Emotional Well-Being During Crisis of Cancer. Robert Chernin Cantor. Harper and
Row, New York, 1978.
Beauty and Cancer. Diane Doan Noyes, Peggy Mellody, R.N. AC Press, Los Angeles, 1988.
Cancer. D. J. Herda. A Venture Book, 1989.
Cancervive: The Challenge of Life After Cancer. Susan Nessim and Judith Ellis. Houghton-Mifflin, 1991.
Choices: Realistic Alternatives in Cancer Treatment. Marion Morra and Eve Potts. Avon Books, New York,
A Comprehensive Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Families. Ernest Rosenbaum and Isabella Rosenblum.
Palo Alto, CA, 1980.
Coping With Chemotherapy. Nancy Bruning. The Dial Press, New York, 1986.
Crackdown on Cancer. 2nd edition, Ruth Yale Long, Ph.D. Distributed by The Nutritional Education Association,
Inc., P. 0. Box 20301, Houston, TX 77225. (713) 665-2946, 1989.
Death: The Final Stage of Growth. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Prentice Hall, Inc., New York, 1975.
Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book. Susan Love, M.D., with Karen Lindsey. Addison-Wesley, New York, 1990.
Explaining Death to Children. Earl A. Grollman. Beacon Press, Boston, 1967.
The Facts About Cancer. Charles F. McKhann. Spectrum Books, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1981.
The Facts About Chemotherapy. Paul R. Reich, MD. Consumer Reports Books, 1991.
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf. Leo Buscaglia. Holt, Rhinehardt and Winston, New York, 1982.
From Victim to Victor. Harold Benjamin. Dell, 1987.
Getting Well Again. Carl Simonton, MD, et al. Bantam Books, 1978. [Also distributed by Simonton Cancer
Center (800) 338-2360.]
A Guide to Good Nutrition During and After Chemotherapy and Radiation. 3rd edition, Saundra N. Aker
and Polly Lenssen. Distributed by Clinical Nutrition Program, E211, Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center, 1124 Columbia,
Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 667-4834, 1988.
The Healing Family. Stephanie Mathews Simonton and Robert Shook. Bantam Books, 1978.
Home Health Care: A Complete Guide for Patients and Their Families. Jo-Ann Friedman. Norton, New York,
The Home Health Care Solution: A Complete Consumer Guide. Janet Zhun Nassif. Harper & Row, New
York, 1985.
Want to Grow Hair, I Want to Grow Up. I Want to Go to Boise. Erma Bombeck. Harper & Row, New York,
In Sickness and In Health: How to Cope When Your Loved One is Ill. Earl A. Grollman. Beacon Press,
Boston, 1987.
It's Always Something. Gilda Radner. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1989.
It's Not Valentine's Day. Louis A. Josof and Barbara C. Traylor. Parthenon Press, Nashville, TN, 1986.
Living With Cancer. Mary Beth Moster. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1985.
Living with Lung Cancer. 2nd Ed., Barbara G. Cox, David T. Carr, M.D. and Robert E. Lee, M.D. Triad
Publishing Co., 1987.
Love. Medicine & Miracles. Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. Harper&Row, New York, 1987.
The Macrobiotic Way: The Complete Macrobiotic Diet and Exercise Book. Michio Kushi. Avery
Publishing Group, Inc., Wayne, NJ, 1985.
Make Sure You Do Not Have Breast Cancer. Philip Strax, M.D. St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Minding the Body, Mending the Mind. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New
York, 1987.
More Than You Dare to Ask: The First Year of Living with Cancer. Mac N. Turnage and Anne Shaw. John
Know Press, Atlanta, GA, 1976.
No Less A Woman. Deborah Kuhane. Prentice Hall Press, New York, 1990.
On Children and Death. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. McMillan Publishing, New York, 1983.
On Death and Dying. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. McMillan Publishing Co., New York, 1969.
The Ostomy Book: Living Comfortably With Colostomies, Ileostomies and Urostomies. Barbara Dorr
Mullen and Kerry McGinn, R.N. Bull Publishing Co., Palo Alto, CA, 1980. (Also distributed by United
Ostomy Association, Inc.)
The Power Within: True Stories of Exceptional Patients Who Fought Back With Hope. Wendy Williams.
Harper & Row, New York, 1990.
Put Your Mother on the Ceiling. Richard DeMille. Penguin Books, 1977.
Relative Risk: Living With A Family History of Breast Cancer. Nancy C. Baker. Viking Penguin, 1991.
Relaxation and Mental Imagery as Applies to Cancer Therapy. Carl Simonton, M.D. [Distributed by
Simonton Cancer Center (800) 338-2360], 1989.
The Relaxation Response. Herbert Benson, M.D. Avon Books, New York, 1976.
The Road Back to Health: Coping With the Emotional Side of Cancer. Neil A. Fiore. Bantam Books, 1986.
Seeing With the Mind's Eye: History, Techniques and Uses of Visualization. Mike Samuels, M.D. and
Nancy Samuels. Random House, New York, 1980.
Some Things Change and Some Things Stay the Same. Family Communications, Inc., 1989. (Available through
the American Cancer Society.)
Spinning Straw Into Gold. Ronnie Kaye. Lamppost Press, Inc., 1991.
Spirit and Breath. (An exercise book for lung cancer patients.) Morton Leibling. 8210 Elmwood Avenue,
Suite 209, Skokie, IL 60077 (708) 673-1384.
Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness. E.A. Charlesworth and R.G. Nathan. Atheneum Books,
Successful Living With Chronic Illness. Kathleen Lewis. Avery, Wayne, NJ, 1985.
Surviving Cancer: A Practical Guide for Those Fighting to Win! Danette G. Kauffman. Acropolis Books,
Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Earl A. Grollman. Beacon Press, Boston, 1971.
These Special Children: The Ostomy Book for Parents of Children with Colostomies, Ileostomies and
Urostomies. Katherine Jeter, Ed.D, ET. Bull Publishing Co., 1982. (Also distributed by United Ostomy
Association, Inc.)
To Be the Hands of God. One woman's journey, one congregation's challenge. Judy Griffith Ransom with
James G. Henderson. Upper Room Books, 1992.
Triumph: Getting Back to Normal When You Have Cancer. Marion Morra and Eve Potts. Avon Books, New York,
Understanding Cancer. John Laszlo M.D. Harper & Row, New York, 1989.
Up Front: Sex and the Post Mastectomy Woman. Linda Dackman. Prentice Hall Press, New York, 1990.
Visualizations: Directing the Movies of Your Mind. Adelaide Bry. Barnes and Noble, San Francisco, 1978.
We are Not Alone: Learning to Live With Chronic Illness. Sefra Kobrin Pitzele. Thompson & Company,
Inc., Minneapolis, 1985.
When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Herbert Kushner. Simon & Shuster, New York, 1983.
Who Dies? Stephen Levine. Doubleday, 1989.
Why Me? Rose Kusher. W.B. Saunders Co., 1982.
Women Talk About Breast Surgery. Amy Gross and Deeto. Clarkson Potter, 1990.
Working it Through. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Macmillan Books, 1982.
You and Leukemia - A Day at a Time. Lynn S. Baker, M.D. W.D. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1978.
A Consumer Guide to Hospice Care. Barbara Colemen, Program Coordinator. National Consumers League,
815 15th Street, N.W., Suite 516, Washington, D.C. 20005, 1990. (202) 639-8140.
Back to School: A Handbook for Parents of Children With Cancer. American Cancer Society, 1988.
The Breast Cancer Digest: A Guide to Medical Care, Emotional Support, Educational Programs and Resources.
Available from the National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Communications, Building 31, Room 1OA18, Bethesda, MD 20205,
NIH Publication No. 84-1691.
Caring for the Patient with Cancer at Home: A Guide for Patients and Families. Barrie R. Cassileth,
ed., American Cancer Society, 1988.
Chemotherapy and You: A Guide to Self-Help During Treatment. NIH Publication No. 85-1136, National
Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892.
Communication Between You, the Cancer Patient, and Your Doctor. A conversation with a doctor who is
also a cancer patient. Cancer Information Service, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Box 016960 (D8-4), Miami, FL 33101
or (305) 548-4821.
Eating Hints: Recipes and Tips for Better Nutrition During Cancer Treatment. NIH Publication No. 842079,
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892.
Help Yourself: Tips for Teenagers With Cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Publication No. 87-2211.
Helping Children Understand: A Guide for a Parent with Cancer. American Cancer Society, 1986.
Hospice Benefits Under Medicare. Available from local Social Security Administration offices or call
(800) 772-1213. Publication HCFA-02154, updated annually.
How to Select a Home Care Agency. National Association for Homecare, 519 C Street, N.E., Washington,
D.C. 20002.
It Helps to Have Friends When Mom or Dad Has Cancer. American Cancer Society, 1987.
Radiation Therapy and You: A Guide to Self-Help During Treatment. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda,
MD 20892, 1985.
Sexuality & Cancer: For the Man Who Has Cancer, and His Partner. Leslie R. Schover, Ph.D., ed.
Michael Randers-Pehrson. American Cancer Society, 1988.
Sexuality & Cancer: For the Woman Who Has Cancer, and Her Partner. Leslie R. Schover, Ph.D., ed.
Michael Randers-Pehrson. American Cancer Society, 1988.
Taking Time: Support for People with Cancer and the People Who Care About Them. U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Publication No. 83-2059.
Talking With Your Child About Cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services,
National Institutes of Health, Publication No. 87-2761.
Talking With Your Doctor. American Cancer Society, Publication No. 4636, 1987.
What is Chemotherapy? American Cancer Society publication.
When Cancer Recurs: Meeting the Challenge. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
National Institutes of Health, NIH Publication No. 85-2709.
When Someone in Your Family Has Cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Publication No. 88-22685.
When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer. American Cancer Society, 1984.
Love, Medicine and Miracles. Bernie Siegel.
Emmanuel' s Book. Pat Rodegast.
Playfair. Matt Weinstein and Joel Goodman.
The New Games Book. Andrew Fluegelman
Learning to Love Yourself. Sharon Wegscheider.
The Dance of Anger. Harriet Coldhor Lerner.
You Can Heal Your Life. Louise Hay.
The Drama of the Gifted Child. Alice Miller.
Facing Shame. Marilyn Mason.
One More Time. Carol Burnett.
Cancer Manual. American Cancer Society, 1936.
Beyond the Relaxation Response. Herbert Benson, MD.
Imagery in Healing. Shamanism and Modern Medicine, by Jean Acterberg.
Listen to Your Pain. The Active Person's Guide to Understanding, Identifying and Treating Pain and
Injury, by Ben Benjamin, Ph.D. and Gale Borden, MD.
Love, Medicine and Miracles. Bernie S. Siegel, MD.
Mind as Healer, Mind, as Slayer. Kenneth R. Pelletier.
Minding the Body, Mending the Mind. Joan Borysenko, phD.
Peace, Love and Healing. Bernie S. Siegel, MD.
Quantum Healing. Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, by Depak Chopra, MD.
Relaxation Response. by Herbert Benson, MD.
You Can Fight for Your Life. Emotional factors in the treatment of cancer, by Lawrence LeShan.
You Can Heal Your Life. by Louise Hay.
The Alternative Health Guide. by Brian Inglis and Ruth West.
Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines. by Stephen Cumminngs and Dana Ullman.
Hands of Light. by Barbara Ann Brennon.
Health for the Whole Person. The complete guide to holistic medicine, ed. by Arthur C. Hastings, Ph.
D., James Fadiman, Ph. D., and James S. Gordon, M.D.
Health:A Holistic Approach. How to maintain a state of health in body, mind and spirit by Dennis Chernin,
M.D., and Gregory Manteuffel, MD.
Holistic Medicine. From Stress to Optimum Health by Kenneth R. Pelletier.
Living Well. A Twelve-Step response to chronic illness and disablitlity by Martha Cleveland.
The Power to Heal. An investigation of healing and the healing experience by David Harvey.
Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. ed. by Mark Bricklin, Rodale Press.
Sound Health. The Music and Sounds that Make Us Whole, by Steven Halpern with Louis Savary.
The Tao of Medicine. Ginseng, Oriental Remedies and the Pharmacology of Harmony, by Stepen Fulder.
Therapeutic Touch. A Practical Guide by Janet Macrae.
Tibetian Art of Healing. by Theodore Burang.
The Web That Has No Weaver. Understanding Chinese Medicine, by Ted. J. Kaptchuk, O.M.D.
Whole Body Healing. Natural Healing with Movement Exercise, Massage and Other Drug Free Methods, by
Carl Lowe and James W. Nechas, Rodale Press.
Diet for a New America. by John Robbins.
Healing with Herbs: Nature's Way to Better Health. by Henrietta A. Diers Rau.
Practically Macrobiotic. by Keith Michell.
The Art of Meditation. by Joel Goldsmith.
The Art of Spritual Healing. by Joel Goldsmith.
Commentaries on a Course in Miracles. by Tara Singh.
How to Learn From a Course in Miracles. by Tara Singh.
The Gift of Inner Healing. by Ruth Carter Stapleton.
Goodbye to Guilt- Releasing Fear through Forgiveness. by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD.
A Gradual Awakening. by Stephen Levine.
How Shall I Live. Transforming Surgery or Any Health Crisis Into Greater Aliveness, by Richard Moss,
Illness as a Metaphor. by Susan Sontag.
Love is Letting Go of Fear. by Gerald Jampolsty, MD.
The Miracle of Mindfulness. A Manual on Meditation, by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Notes to Myself. by Hugh Prather.
One More Day. Daily Meditations for People with Chronic Illness, by Sefra Kobrin Pitzele.
Out of Darkness, Into the Light. A Journey of Inner Healing, by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD.
A Parenthesis in Eternity. Living the Mysical Life, by Joel Goldsmith.
Personhood, The Art of Being Fully Human. by Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.
Reflections in the Light. Daily thoughts and affirmations, by Shakti Gawain.
The Road Less Traveled. by M. Scott Peck.
Self esteem. by Virginia Satir.
The Three Minute Meditator. by David Harp and N.S. Feldman, Ph.D.
The Dance of Anger. by Harriet Goldhor Lerner.
The Be-happy Attitudes. by Robert Schuler.
Feeling Good. The New Mood Therapy, by David D.Burns, MD.
The Healing Family. by Stephanie Matthews Simonton.
Other Lives, Other Selves. by Roger Woolger, Ph.D.
Risk to be Healed. by Joyce and Barry Vissel, MD.
A Time to Heal. the Road to Recovery for Adult Children of Alcoholics, by Timmen L. Cermak, MD.
To Love is to Be Happy With. by Barry Neil Kaufman.
When Bad Things Happen to Good People. by Harold S. Kushner.
Meeting at the Edge. by Stephen Levine.
On Death and Dying. by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.
Questions and Answers on Death and Dying. by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.
When Parents Die. A Guide for Adults, by Edward Myers.
Who Dies? by Stephen Levine.
First You Cry. by Betty Rollin.
You Can Save Your Breast. One woman's experience with radiation therapy, by Larry and Valere Althouse.
Magazines and Newsletters
Cancer Weekly, 206 Roger Street, N.E., Atlanta, GA (404) 377-8895.
Cope, 12600 W. Colfax, Suite B-400, Denver, CO 80215. 1-800-343-COPE.
Coping Magazine, 7000 Executive Center Drive, Suite 120, Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 371-8474.
Helping Hand, (Melanoma Newsletter) 12 Arlington Street, Portland, ME 04101.
The Mind-Body Health Digest, The Institute of the Advancement of Health, 16 East 53rd Street, New
York, NY 10022 (212) 832-8282.
Videotapes and Audiotapes
Best Look Forward. 1800 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146 (215) 893-7550.
Childhood Cancer: Siblings Speak Out. Crystal Productions, 1812 Johns Drive, Box 2159, Glenview, IL
(800) 255-8629 or (708) 657-8144.
Childhood Cancer: Patients Speak Out. Crystal Productions, 1812 Johns Drive, Box 2159, Glenview, IL
(800) 255-8629 or (708) 657-8144.
Fight for Your Life: Survival Techniques for Those With Cancer. Varied Directions, Inc., 69 Elm Street,
Samden, ME 04843 (800) 888-5236.
Getting Well. Available through the Simonton Cancer Center (800) 338-2360.
How to Meditate. Available through the Simonton Cancer Center (800) 338-2360.
Laughter Therapy. The Allen Funt Fund, P.O. Box 827, Monterey, CA 93942, (408) 625-3788.
Learning to Control Pain. American Psychological Association, Psychology Today Tape Program, Department
PTC 82, Box 059061, Brooklyn, NY 11205; to order (800) 345-8112, for customer service (212) 242-2460.
Mr. Rogers Talks About Childhood Cancer. Family Communications, Inc., 1989.
Patients and Doctors: Communication Is a Two-Way Street. Send check or money order to "Patients and
Doctors," c/o Natalie Davis Spingarn, 1409 29th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20007, or call (202) 3389196.
VHS/Beta $29.95, U-Matic $39.95.
Rainbow Butterfly: An Introduction to Visualization. Emmett E. Miller, M.D. 945 Evelyn, Menlo Park,
CA 94025. (415) 328-7171.
Relaxation and Imagery for the Person with Cancer. Lynn Brallier. Available through the Stress/Health
Management Center, 621 Maryland Avenue N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002.
Relaxation and Inspiration. Emmett E. Miller, M.D. 945 Evelyn, Menlo Park, CA 94025, (415) 328-7171.
Relaxation and Mental Imagery as Applies to Cancer Therapy. Available through the Simonton Cancer Center
(800) 338-2360.
The Healing Power of Laughter and Play. Available through the Simonton Cancer Center, (800) 338-2360.